Pollution Prevention Awards
Presenting the 2023 Pollution Prevention Award Winners


Central San conducts its Pollution Prevention Awards program each year in conjunction with National Pollution Prevention Week, the third week of September. Since initiating the program in 1992, Central San has recognized more than 100 local businesses for their exceptional efforts to minimize pollution. 

Four local businesses were presented with Pollution Prevention Awards by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Award winners were recognized at the Sustainable Contra Costa Awards Gala held on September 19th, 2023.

This year’s winners are:

We also recognized one partner for their commitment to Pollution Prevention. 

This year’s Partner is:

Additionally, one business and one resident were recognized for their commitment to the use of recycled water.

This year’s Business And Citizen Recycled Water Champions are:

The awards went to businesses, organizations, and individuals that have made outstanding efforts to prevent water pollution, including:

  • Changing products or processes to use fewer toxic materials
  • Using new technologies or procedures to keep contaminants from entering the sewer or storm drain system
  • Educating employees or the public about ways to prevent pollution