Mariah N. Lauritzen


Elected in November 2020

Current term ends in December 2024

Committee and Liaison Appointments

Mariah Lauritzen has been appointed to serve on one or more Board Committees. She also serves as a liaison to various cities and outside agencies. Click the related link on this page to view her current committee and liaison appointments.

Biographical Highlights

As a Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Member, I will work in a fair transparent way to ensure that everyone in the community has reliable service at low rates.

From the very start of my career, I understood the importance of clean water in our communities. As President of Engineers Without Borders in college I implemented a design for a water sanitation project in two Tsimane communities in Bolivia. One third of the population was suffering from disease caused by contaminated water at any given time. They needed a design that was both effective and could be maintained by the local community after installation.

Here at home I have worked in a Waste Water Treatment Plant that discharged to Suisun Bay. I believe in stewardship: both to help people and take care of our environment. I bring seven years of experience as an engineer. I bring my values that clean water should be a human right. Access to clean water has unfortunately fallen short in parts of the United States. I intend to defend access to clean water in my own community.

I understand listening to the community is how we build a system that works. As an engineer, I know that systems can fail if we don’t consider how they interact with people. Let’s serve the needs of our community.